I made a performance called Guided Tour by the company Mountain Valley Mountain Tours for the “landscape” exhibition Lands End at the Logan Center in Chicago curated by Zachary Cahill, January 2015. My performance reflected on the works participating artists Carris Adams, Raymond Boisjoly, Sarah Burwash, Theresa Ganz, Hans Haacke, Susan Hiller, Oliver Lutz, Claire Pentecost, Dan Peterman, Carrie Schneider, Andreas Siqueland, & Eric Watts.

Mountain Valley Mountain logo
Guided Tour

As a tour guide somewhere between wilderness interpreter and docent, I lead attendees through the exhibition and onto Chicago’s Famous Midway PlaisanceI interpreted the landscapes of Lands End under the same terms as the landscape around the gallery. I drew the tour content from historical facts, overly personal stories, and lyrics from the Broadway musical My Fair Lady.

Update: Here is the Audio Tour!

Author: admin

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